Thursday, December 11, 2014

An Excellent and Motivating Robert Blackman Rant

NOTE: SDI (Self Directed Income) entrepreneurs are invited to read, review and share Robert Blackman's motivating rant ... about "network marketing."

By Robert Blackman

The INSANITY in your Network Marketing business comes from you "over thinking" and "under working".

When you have too few prospects to talk to, you lose posture.

You start to "hedge" your offer and your strong close.

You start to waffle under the pressure "that I need to get a signup, it's been weeks since my last one".

When you start showing fewer and fewer presentations DOUBT and DISBELIEF consume you.

When you aren't showing plans your "eye" looks for something to do...then you start watching others succeed.

You read their blog posts and you stop writing your own. Why? Because you've got nothing to talk aren't doing anything but "worrying" all the time.

And, your subconscious knows you stop blogging or reaching out to people out of "fear" they know you're afraid and worried about your business.


I know, I've been there.

I've re-written offers over and over again in one month when I was only talking to one person a day or only getting 9 optins in a week.

That's just insane to do that.

You have to show 25 plans and then regroup.

A plan is where your prospect can tell you a:
- Yes
- No
- Maybe 

Just had a guy order tonight that told me NO in September.

I made a follow up voice mail and asked him how he was doing and if he had solved his money problems since we last talked.

And, that I had a PROVEN 6 month game plan to get him to "X" amount of dollars a month.
I emailed that game plan to him in a PDF.

He joined two hours later...a call back from September.

You see I have confidence because I'm doing stuff...I don't care if you say NO as I'm going through the numbers.

I care in the fact that I LISTEN to your NO and your reasons why and I'm constantly asking questions and trying to find out if your NO is B.S., or legit.

If it's legit, I ask which "payday" over the next few weeks they can carve out the money to join with me?

I send them stuff to read via email in the meantime.

I'm looking for other Robert Blackman's, so I know what I was looking for when I was broke.
Ready for this?

"I was looking for someone to tell it like it is. A straight shooter who had a game plan and had a work ethic. A person who could see through my B.S. and at the same time pull the WINNER out of me in the same conversation!"

That's who I was looking for when I was broke.

I wanted them to give me REASONS why I should stop buying beer and pizza and start saving money to do this deal.

I wanted them to hit me between the eyes, reach through the phone and slap me in the face and say: "come on son, get off your butt and let's go to work, stop making excuses and stop being lazy! You know you''re half-assing it, so if you really want to make some money, come with me"

That's who I was looking for.

So, I don't care who the person is or isn't.

I am trying to listen to them and pull the winner out of them.

Sometimes the WINNER is asleep and I have to make several house calls...I'm' okay with that.

Because once I sponsor another "ME", it's all over's money in the bank and I just get out of his or her way.

Stop the insanity...use that same energy in talking to people and showing some plans.


NOTE: This article is originally posted on Robert Blackman's Facebook Timeline on December 11, 2014 at this link:

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