Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The SDI Entrepreneur’s Syllabus Proposal

(This Syllabus Proposal for SDI Entrepreneurs is adapted from a syllabus in the book “Financial Success – Harnessing The Power of Creative Thought” authored by Wallace D. Wattles.)

"We the active SDI (Self Directed Income) entrepreneurs can form things in our individual and collective thoughts, and by impressing our thoughts upon formless substance, we can cause the things we think about to be created.

In order to do this, each of us must pass from the orthodox lifestyle and mindset of scarcity, deprivation, disease and competitiveness to a renewed lifestyle and mindset of abundance, enlightenment, co-operation and creativity.

We must form clear mental pictures of the things we want for ourselves, our families, and our respective, SDI enterprises. And we must hold these pictures in our thoughts individually and collectively with the fixed purpose to achieve what we want.

We must maintain an unwavering faith that we will get what we want. We must close our minds to all who may tend to shake our purpose, dim our vision or quench our faith in our potential progress.

That we may receive what we want when it comes, we must act now upon the people and things in our present environment."

NOTE: Two links to more information: 

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