QUESTION: Which SDI (Self Directed Income) company will be the first to show their support for "number coin?"
Are you prepared to "make a difference" during this "Year of UsuryFree Living" and in the future?
Permit me to introduce readers to "The UniDigi Network". I encourage everyone to enrol for FREE - (or make a contribution of $25.00 (or more) if you have access to some usury-bearing debt money) and then invite others to multiply and duplicate your leadership.
If so, please commit to doing some (homework) research and reading and re-reading of this critical information posted at the links listed below.
Start by going to:
1. Read The Introduction:
2. Download and read and re-read the two FREE e-books:
NOTE: A Few Words About The Two e-Books:
NOTE: A Few Words About The Two e-Books:
"What concerted lie could be so big we can’t believe it exists? Well, this author just released two ground breaking FREE books on the subject totaling over 500 pages & J. Edgar Hoover wasn’t kidding. But 500 pages is a lot and handing out 300 million books is ludicrous, hence what you have in front of you now, THE MOST EYE OPENING 2 PAGES OF TEXT EVER WRITTEN! Everything herein is FACTUAL, no theories or guess work, it’s all the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Trust a stranger, 1 last time during this short read for I AM YOUR BROTHER AND WILL NOT FAIL YOU! If anything sounds hard to believe, REFER TO HOOVERS’ QUOTE AND DO YOUR OWN FACT CHECKING. It is OUR DUTY & RESPONSIBILITY to be knowledgeable and to keep our republic free. There is no excuse for not seeking the TRUTH! That said, are you ready to learn some of the largest, most important secrets of your existence? OK, enjoy the unforgettable moments of truth in the “Everything PAGE."
3. Become familiar with "Number University" at these links: &
4. Read about "The Contest":
5. Learn about the "Unified Numbering Foundation":
6. Learn about "The Unidigi Network":
7. Know about and be prepared to use The Tool Kit to re-educate others who are ready and willing to be re-educated:
8. Take action NOW - - Learn about "The Outbank" - The People's Repository". Lots more information at this website:
After your homework assignment is completed, then go to and sign up for FREE and receive #25 in the new digital currency of "number coin." You have the option of making a minimum contribution of $25.00 (US Funds) and receiving #250,000. Otherwise, if you make a larger contribution, then simply multiply your contribution by 10,000 to calculate the amount of "number coin" you will receive in your account.
More details about "The Outbank's new digital currency called 'numbercoin' in this article "Want To Beat Them? OutBank 'em!"
More details about "The Outbank's new digital currency called 'numbercoin' in this article "Want To Beat Them? OutBank 'em!"
You will be sent a Temporary User Number and a Temporary Password by email. After you log in you will have an opportunity to create a permanent User Number and Password.
NOTE: My Permanent NumberName is "usuryfree" - so please insert "usuryfree' when you are asked who is your referrer.
Usuryfree creatives - everywhere, please find the time (a) to visit the website: and (b) to read the 2 e-books and (c) to join http://www/ with myself (usuryfree) as your referrer.
NOTE: Become familiar with "Bitcoin" and understand why "NumberCoin" is superior by reading Anthony Michgels' article titled "Bitcoin, Blessing or a Trap?" and his related articles "Baffling Bitcoin" and "Bitcoin, Impressive But Flawed."
Usuryfree creatives - everywhere, please find the time (a) to visit the website: and (b) to read the 2 e-books and (c) to join http://www/ with myself (usuryfree) as your referrer.
NOTE: Become familiar with "Bitcoin" and understand why "NumberCoin" is superior by reading Anthony Michgels' article titled "Bitcoin, Blessing or a Trap?" and his related articles "Baffling Bitcoin" and "Bitcoin, Impressive But Flawed."