The SDI (Self Directed Income) industry continues its ongoing and ever-evolving process of offering exciting and innovative products for consumers and unique marketing opportunities, for potential independent business ownership. The SDI industry twins the retailing and wholesaling elements of traditional sales and marketing in mutually beneficial ways for all who choose to participate - both online and in real life situations. It is the action of building relationships and forging partnerships by active SDI entrepreneurs, that has been fueling the constant growth of the SDI industry since its birthing in the mid-20th Century.
Since the dawn of this 21st Century, countless numbers of employees from the baby-boomer generation are now listed as unemployed as corporations and institutions continue to downsize. More and more of these former employees are becoming motivated to enrol as budding SDI entrepreneurs.
Many of these novice SDI entrepreneurs see the advantage of establishing an SDI Portfolio that guarantees more than one source of monthly earnings. The SDI Portfolio is coming of age since the more astute of these new SDI entrepreneurs fully realize that when they sign any distributor application form, they are really surrendering their rights as independent free enterprisers to the “home office” corporation - which reserves the right to cut your source of supply and/or cancel your distributor agreement at any time.
It is also noteworthy that more and more youth between the ages of 18 and 35 are now fully aware that the outdated curriculum as being offered by our institutions of formal learning (elementary schools, high schools, universities, colleges, etc.) is not adequately preparing them for the ever-changing, fast-paced marketplace.
Consequently, more and more youth from these X and Y generations are open to the idea of launching their own, part-time (or full time) SDI enterprises to supplement their meagre monthly earnings from the menial jobs they have taken after their many years’ of pursuing formal education in search of the ever-elusive, financial security.
As the more conventional marketing strategies of the 19th and 20th centuries fail, we are witnessing a gradual acceptance of the SDI industry as the optimal model to market any product and/or service to astute consumers with an environmentally-friendly spirit of mutual and loyal co-operation in this 21st Century.
Indeed, the SDI industry is becoming more and more relevant given the ease of modern technology and the advent of global and local, social networking via the internet. The key for anyone’s ultimate success as an SDI entrepreneur is to build a highly duplicatable business model, that can be followed and copied by everyone on your team, thereby multiplying and duplicating your efforts.
A review of news items in the mainstream print and electronic media as well as the online, alternative media, suggests that the economies of Canada, the United States of America and other so-defined, western world countries are shifting away from the more orthodox, employer-employee model of the 20th Century to the emerging, entrepreneurial, contract-based model of this 21st Century.
Small business owners no longer have an incentive to hire employees and become saddled with the accompanying paper work demanded by the various levels of government (municipal, provincial/state, and federal). Instead, the SDI industry offers anyone/everyone an opportunity to launch a home-based enterprise while tapping into the power and potential of social media. Of course, as an active SDI entrepreneur, one qualifies for numerous income tax deductions available exclusively to the self-employed.
Additionally, SDI entrepreneurs commonly bring back the human aspect into sales, both at the local and global levels of marketing by offering quality products and focusing on personalized service and loyalty to our local and online networks of like-minded people.
All that is missing to help usher in this new age of entrepreneurism is the physical launch of the UsuryFree SDI University. In the meantime, we have created the online UsuryFree SDI University where SDI entrepreneurs are invited to share information, ideas and resources etc. that can add benefit to anyone’s SDI enterprise(s). Read more details at this website:
How about a couple of suggested SDI opportunities for those who are now ready and willing to (a) begin creating monthly earnings from an SDI Portfolio or (b) add another SDI opportunity to your personal SDI Portfolio.
The Customer Advantage: http://usuryfree.thecustomeradvantage.com
Optimum Earth: http://usuryfree.optimumearth.com
Great Life International:
Anyone having specific questions about any of the above-listed SDI opportunities is invited to forward an email to: tom@cyberclass.net with the title of the SDI opportunity in the Subject line.